Joseph Berger

David Cappaert , Michigan State University
Funnel Web Spiders
General Description
Though they occasionally wander into structures, funnel web spiders are typically found around the foundation
of homes, in grasses and bushes. They remain hidden deep inside funnel-shaped webs that are quite noticeable
on dewy mornings. Unlike many other web-building spiders, funnel web spiders are fast runners. When an
insect or another spider comes near, the funnel web spider dashes out to subdue its prey. This group includes
medium-sized species such as the grass spiders (Agelenopsis spp.), usually found outdoors, and house spiders
(Tegenaria spp.) which often occur indoors. grass spiders are often brown with dark stripes on their backs. This
and their “creepy” appearance may be why they are sometimes mistaken for brown recluse spiders.
General Control
Funnel web spiders are prone to enter structures in the fall. To help prevent this, check the foundation for cracks
and holes. Also check vents, around window and door frames, and for gaps around utility and cable lines. Seal
these potential entry points with caulk, expandable foam, concrete or similar materials. Inspect around a
structure’s foundation for the presence of the spiders and their webs. Applications of residual pesticides, such as
wettable powders or encapsulates, around foundations in late summer or early fall can help prevent these spiders
from entering as temperatures fall.