Joseph Berger
General Description
If you suddenly discover tiny, grayish-white bugs in your facility that jump when approached, chances are you
have springtails. Growing to little more than one-eighth of an inch long, these primitive insects can easily pass
through foundation cracks and gaps. And like so many other invaders, moisture - or the lack of it - can trigger
springtail invasions.
These primitive insects can be amazingly abundant in soil and other moist substrates; tens of thousands can
be present per cubic foot. Their diet includes algae, bacteria, fungi and decaying plant matter. When soil around
foundations becomes saturated with water, springtails may flood through foundation cracks and into basements
and crawlspaces. This can occur even in winter when melting snow floods the soil. They also enter along pipes
and drains, and in potted plants brought indoors. They can climb foundation walls and are attracted to lights.
General Control
Although springtails may enter homes in large numbers, they usually die indoors, lacking sufficient moisture,
humidity and food for survival. Remove them with a vacuum cleaner. Sealing foundation cracks and gaps,
correcting moisture problems, and not over watering plants will help prevent springtail invasions.