American Cockroach

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension:

American Cockroach

Gary Alpert, Harvard University

American Cockroach

General Description
Adult American cockroaches are large (1 1/3 to 1 1/2 inches) reddish-brown insects. Large populations of American cockroaches live in warm moist habitats. They are often found in boiler rooms or other harborage with water heaters, floor drains, water sumps and basements where these conditions prevail.

General Control
Inspect areas of high humidity and moisture problems, for example, around leaking pipes. Place sticky traps in these areas to capture and monitor the roach population.

Habitat Alteration: Caulk cracks around pipes and other areas where gaps occur in ground level walls. Stop water leaks, screen equipment overflow drains, and take excess water away from buildings; keep drain traps full of water or capped. Remove rotting leaves from window wells. Replace mulch around the foundation with gravel. Keep trash containers tightly covered and away from moist areas.

Baiting can be effective when properly placed in appropriate quantities. Particular attention must be paid to pesticide degradation in areas of high moisture. If cockroaches are entering from the outdoors, an insecticide can be used to establish perimeter barrier. Pesticides also may be used as a crack-andcrevice application to cockroach harborage areas.