University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension: http://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/

Clemson University, USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series
Oriental Cockroach
General Description
The Oriental Cockroach is often called the “waterbug.” Adults are dark brown or shiny black. The female is
slightly longer than the male, about 1 1/4 inch. Unlike other domestic cockroaches, the female has only short,
triangular wing pads, while males have well developed wings. However, neither sex can fly. Oriental cockroaches
favor crawl spaces, cracks and mulch around building foundations, the undersides of stoops and sidewalks,
basements and other moist places. They frequently live in floor drains that lead directly outside. The Oriental
cockroach prefers starchy foods and will live where garbage accumulates. They tolerate cooler temperatures and
can survive outdoors around structures.
General Control
Inspect areas of high humidity and moisture problems, for example, around leaking pipes. Place sticky traps in
these areas to capture and monitor the roach population. Caulk cracks around pipes and gaps in ground level
walls. Stop water leaks, screen drains and promptly remove excess water and garbage from buildings. Keep drain
traps full of water or capped. Remove rotting leaves from window wells, and replace mulch around the foundation
with gravel.
Baiting can be effective when properly placed in appropriate quantities. Particular attention must be paid to pesticide degradation due to moisture. If cockroaches are entering from the outdoors, an insecticide may be used around the perimeter of the foundation. Pesticides also may be applied to cracks and crevices.