University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension: http://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension: http://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/
Brown-banded Cockroach
General Description
The brown-banded cockroach has become less common than other domestic cockroaches, though large
populations can result where favorable conditions exist. Adult brown-banded cockroaches are about one-half of
an inch long and have two transverse light bands near the head.
General Control
Brown-banded cockroaches are typically seen in kitchens and other rooms where temperatures are elevated.
They can be found around high cabinets and near stoves and other heat-producing devices such as refrigerator
motors, electric clocks, light timers, televisions and radios.
Successful management relies on several methods of control. Inspection to include monitoring traps to find roaches and their harborage areas should be performed first. Habitat modification and harborage reduction includes sealing areas where the roaches are hiding, removing harborage such as cardboard boxes, and diligent sanitary practices to remove the food and water required for cockroach development.
If pesticides are used, one should concentrate on monitoring the cockroach population and delivering pesticides into active harborage areas rather than baseboard spraying. Using baits or gels or, in some cases, crack and crevice pesticide application can be effective.